Alan Traynor Consulting Engineers Ltd provided Civil and Structural Engineering Services for the Construction of a 5 Storey Apartment Block. Works involved Full Structural and Civil Design Including Foul, Surface Water and Watermains. Surface water Design was carried out in accordance with SUDS and GDSDS. Due to poor ground conditions mini piles and ground beams were utilised.
The apartments were constructed from a series of steel framed pre finished pods, designed and fabricated by Modern Homes Ireland. an outer leaf of brick was provided when the pods were secured in position.
During the Construction Alan Traynor Consulting Engineers Ltd carried out ongoing inspections and attendance at Design Team Meetings.
Alan Traynor Consulting Engineers LTD
18 Months - On-Going
Island Bridge Bellevue
Project Value
Alan Traynor
Liam Mc Elgunn
Pauric Loughlin
Colm Baxter